The line from our annual school supply give-away
The Sweetwater church of Christ is not a denomination.
But how is that even possible? How can we just not be a denomination? How can we be just “Christians,” instead of “_____ists” or “_____ans” from a modern denomination?
Well, we do that by using the Bible alone as our guide, by organizing ourselves in the same way the church we read about in the Bible did, worshipping as much like the church in the Bible as we can, teaching what the church in the Bible taught, believing what the church in the Bible believed, and living our lives as much like Jesus as we possibly can. Really, what we want to be is pre-denominational—to be like the church that existed before all the denominations we see today were created.
By the way, have you ever wondered where all the churches that exist today came from? Has having to choose between all the different groups and their different doctrines confused you to the point that you’d just rather stay home… but at the same time, you still want to know the truth and go to church? How about brewing some coffee (or tea… or grabbing your favorite soft drink), settling into your chair, and watching this 27 minute video that answers that very question.
At this website you will find:
- A roughly 27-minute video that answers the question, “Why Are There So Many Churches?”
- A complete transcript of the video (in case you can’t watch the video, or would rather read)
- An interactive chart that helps explain where most major denominations came from
Speaking only where the Bible speaks...
Previous generations of the church of Christ said it this way: “We want to speak where the Bible speaks, and be silent where the Bible is silent. We want to do Bible things in Bible ways, and call Bible things by Bible names.”
We don’t believe that Jesus can be at all pleased with all the division among churches that we see today. God never intended for there to be so many different splinter groups, teaching so many different and contradictory things, leading to confusing the honest seeker (cf. 1 Corinthians 1:10-13; 14:33).
It makes sense to us to simply choose not to be a denomination, and choose to be the church of the New Testament. How about you?
Have questions? Want to talk? Contact us! Better yet, visit with us this Sunday.
P.S.—We’re also not the same as the “non-denominational” community churches you see popping up all over the place.
How can that be? Well, it all comes down to what you mean by the term “non-denominational.”
There are two ways of thinking of “non-denominational.” The first, and the most popular, is to use it to refer to a church that simply chooses not to follow the teachings of any one denomination. This kind of church exists as an alternative to denominations in the area, but is still basically a denomination.
But when we at the Sweetwater church of Christ say we are “non-denominational,” that’s not really what we mean. Rather what we mean is that we are trying to be the church that existed before all the denominations we see today came into existence.
Confused? Well, let’s talk!